• 703 723 8128
  • 703 723 8062
  • support@datanet-tech.com


How risk would it be for an Organization to do not Evaluate their Systems and Processes in place that secure Company Data and allow more Capacity.

Our Information Technology Audits Team helps you ensure systems operate optimally to support your organization’s strategic vision. Together with your audit work plan, our information technology audits contribute to your organization’s risk assessment process. Through this process, we conduct a variety of specialized, and often, industry-specific information technology audits that address security, compliance performance and overall risk.


To help improve your business productivity and mitigate information technology risks, we offer these Audit Solutions :

  • Determine inefficiencies in IT Systems and associated management
  • IT support of internal audit
  • Evaluate possible Capacity to help for your Company growth.
  • Determine risks to company’s information assets and help identify Methods to minimize those risks.
  • IT general controls.
  • Evaluate the Systems and Processes in place that secure your Company Data.
  • Consulting Services.
  • Ensure information management processes are in compliance with IT-specific laws, policies and standards.

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